Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Amazing Grace!!

I rode through the Highway on a sunny morning...
The road was rough and rugged,
The sun was scorching above my head.
The heat was seaming through,
I didn't enjoy the drive though,
Not sure where this road leads me to,
Not sure if am on a right path.
I was wondering why am I here on the first place,
Why I should go through this rough path,
Thats when a gentle breeze sweeps in,
The touch of breeze on my cheek brings me a relief,
I look up to see if its getting cloudy,
The sky remains the same, clear with the scorching sun,
But the gentle breeze gives me an inner peace,
It sweetly reminds me of something that I keep forgetting about,
It reminds me of 'His Amazing Grace',
The power of Grace flows through me,
I hear the sweet whisper then,
"'My Grace is sufficient for you, Child, 
No Matter what you go through,
You are crafted in a special way I crafted you to be,
Go on in this path, at the end you will find what has been laid before you,
The very Special place which has been formed just for you'"
I Just then realized,
This path am in is temporary,
And I have a great surprise ahead of me,
His Grace reminds me of the blessings thats in store for me,
No matter how rough the road be,
I wouldn't stumble or fall,
His Grace is sufficient for me,
Amazing Grace- how sweet & sound!!...

~ Gladss

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Daddy's Little Girl!!!

Twenty five years ago.. on a beautiful Spring day, when the flowers bloomed and danced..When every one were talking about Fire Star (Agni Nakshatram) which starts on that particular day of spring, This kiddo was born.. A baby girl for the beautiful parents.. She had this chubby cheeks, dimple chin..no rosy lips...no teeth within. :P.. She was chubby, bubbly, fat compared to the eldest daughter.. & the family loved her. She grew up being the most favourite since she resembled the dad's genes.. (may b the mom would have been upset as she didnt look like her :P)..When this cutie turned ONE she had d most beautiful birthday party inspite of the difficult circumstances faced by the family.. Her dad's friends presented her a beautiful pic of hers. But on the other hand the kid wasn't that smart.. she wasnt uttering any word a normal kid would do, at that age... Months passed by..the kid was speaking thru actions & sound..but was not learning to talk.. She turned TWO...& the parents where hoping that she would utter few words...but in Vain...she wasnt.. Every one thought she is gonna be deaf & dumb. Oopz thats not a great sign. The dad & Mom who loved the kid doesnt want her to be dumb. They started pleading to God to make their daughter speak.. The kid didnt even say " Amma" as any normal kid would do.. :(.
The dad was heartbroken.. He loved the little girl so much.. She was "Daddy's Little Girl".
He just held her in his hands and tried to teach her few words like 'appa' , 'amma'. But she was just making some sound.
He took her to the streets...with tears in his eyes..and looked upon the sky, to the heavenly Father & started pleading. Asking God to make his daughter speak.. He stood still in that deserted streets with the heart pleading to God , wanting a miracle. He was strengthened, had this little Faith that the little girl would speak. He knew that the God he serve is an Awesome God. He listens to our cries. So the daddy leaned over to the kid and said ' Can you say 'Appa'? the kid looked at the daddy, with that sparkling small eyes and said ' APPA'... Whoa... The Joy the Dad had that day was boundless.. The kid has uttered the word.. The 'daddy's little girl' has started to talk.. She uttered every other word that was taught after that day .. There was a real transformation in that little girl.. She became the most talkative now.. sometimes making her dad feel 'why is she talking' ' i wish she was silent' :P
Today, as she celebrates her Dad's birthday.. She screams out Loud and says 'Happyyyyy Birthday Daddy" " I am speaking, I am a chatterbox ,...I am the way i am today ..is all because of you.. its just because of your tears... Just because of your prayers.. & just because of your love" " Thank you Dad for everything.. You are a real Blessing to us.. LOVE YOU!!!"

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My Wish!!!!

How I wish…
To walk along the lonely lane...Enjoying the rustles of the trees on the either side...
How I wish...
That the day should start with a happy note and end with a happy note...
How I Wish...
I get a chance to travel all around...& enjoy the nature, the creation of my Master...
How I wish…
There are no thoughts about tomorrow in my mind and enjoy the present to the fullest…
How I wish…
I get all that I needed … and I have a care free life...
But I know all these wishes of mine are short lived….… I don’t really wish for them sincerely…
Yea... I earnestly wish for only ONE thing in my life as of now.....
I want to rest on the shoulders of my Jesus. And enjoy the songs and music’s of Angels around me…

"Meaningless! Meaningless!"

When the so called friends gossiped on my back…
When the loved ones loved money more than the person
When the person who was supposed to keep up his/her promise disappeared from me
When the family hid many things just because I would oppose
I realized how true the words of King Solomon are,
When he says in Ecclesiastes,
"Meaningless! Meaningless!"
Says the Teacher.
"Utterly meaningless!
Everything is meaningless."

Monday, June 1, 2009

Dear Lord, It's Me Again

Today i was in a very different mood..as i was surfing through the net i found this poem which was very much apt for me..:-)
Whenever things start to go wrong around me, and the world just seems to be falling in on me, I often say to myself "Why me, Lord?" Then, when I take the time to think about it, I realise that the reason things are happening the way they are is simply because I haven't started the day with a prayer to ask the Lord to guide me and be with me as I go out into the world. He is there always, just waiting for us to ask for His help.
Dear Lord Jesus, it's me again,
Crying out to You in prayer.
I hope that You are listening,
For I know You're always there.

I need Your help, Lord Jesus,
As I go out into the world each day,
For there are so many things around me
Tempting me to go astray.

Please help me not to be envious
Of those who are rich and have good health
Help me be satisfied with what I have,
And in Heaven to store my wealth.

Keep me from heeding false doctrine, Lord,
Instead of listening to You,
For in Your Word is all I need,
And every Word written there is true.

Keep me on the straight and narrow path,
And help me Your perfect will to obey.
If I should stumble, please don't let me fall,
But lift me up, my Lord, I pray.

Lord, please hear my humble prayer
A cry from deep within my heart.
Help me to keep my eyes fixed on You,
And from Your truth let me never depart.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Picnic!!! Picnic!!! Picnic

13th May'08...Voting day at TamilNadu..Bt i dont ve rights to vote..they ve taken my name off from the list which we came to know some weeks before..So... What do i do that day???...Balaji asked if we all can go to Nagalapuram as a picnic..He asks peter and Peter says he is in and would invite few more ppl...He sends out the invite to the other ppl..
Agenda was to start on 12th night from Chennai..reach the nagala dam and trek for an hour to the first pool and camp there..
The invite said...
Goal - make the most out of election day
Tue 8 pm - have dinner somewhere in Adyar/Besant NagarTue 9pm - start from Chennai
Tue 11:30pm - reach Nagala dam
Tue 12:30am - reach night camp (first pool), make campfire, sleepWed
7:30am - get up, start walking before sun gets warm
Wed 9am - reach big dead-end pool, make tea, take breakfast
Wed 10am-4pm - relax/enjoy/swim/dive/throw ball/freezbee/cook lunch - maximum fun along the pool
Wed 4pm - walk back towards dam
Wed 6pm - start back to Chennai
Wed 8pm - dinner at Chennai Deluxe
Wed 10pm - reach home and thank God for election day ;-)
The picnic which started with 5 ppl ended to be a crowd of 22 ..We all left chennai around 10 on 12th night..
Reached the nearby village .. since honda city couldnt go further , we took the other three cars and headed towards the dam.. Akhilesh & Anjali, the bravo kids, Guru sat on top of the scorpio while Naresh, Balaji and few others hung outside the scorpio..Myslf and Nisha sat on the door of scorpio..the ride to the dam was fun and it was like a roller coaster..We reached the dam around 1 AM..
We are geared up to go upto the first pool. took all our stuffs and started walking.. The kids were too energetic to walk at that time of the night. We reached the first pool around 1.40 am. I was expecting everyone to hit the floor to sleep as it was too late. but the camp fire was started. Few sat down to play UNO.
Naresh and Nisha went to swim in the pool and myslf and balaji helped them by showing them light using our torches..
Atlast we all got back to bed at 3 am...
Next day morning around 5.30 i was awaken by a weird noise..i thought something is coming up..but later figured out it was the bat which gave such a weird noise...
One by one woke up and all jumped into the pool.. i didnt wanna go as i was not so fond of Water..but ended up jumping too as i was been threatened. :-) Mean while Hari prepared a nice tea for all the ppl who were having fun in Water..the hot tea after the cool dip was awesome..
Myself and Nisha ate a good amount of the milk powder like kids..made others to taste too. Meanwhile Paari got slipped while trying to jump into water and got hurt on his head. Thank God it was not so deep. but he still managed to smile..:-)
We started our trek to the dead end pool as the sun started to showing his skills on us.
The place was shady and calm which helped us to reach the pool by noon without any tired or Sweat. We did take a couple of breaks in btn.
As soon as we reached the pool the experienced swimmers started to show their diving skills. Nisha, Naresh, Viki, Peter, Guru, Akilesh, Selva , Marie all were enjoying by diving from the top. Peter and Guru helped the others to jump too. Anjali was too good , she was not scared at all. We were ferried to the jumping place using the lorry tube.. That part was awesome , sitting on the lorry tube and lazing around the water. I was literally scared to jump..bt yea i did with peter pushing me in ..:-)
After the diving , we all started our throw ball game. Anjali and Selva took the goal keeper post for the teams.. and peter , naresh, nagaraj , viki , akhilesh became the main players.. The game went on with lotta fouls ..each one drowning the other person..
We had hella lotta fun ...playing around..
Our chef Sunitha and her hubby prepared a yummy vegetable soup and noodles for the hungry souls who spend most of the time playing in the water. After food i managed to sleep for few min inspite of Naresh & Selva disturbing every now and then..:-)
Peter and Guru climbed the steep rocks to explore further and thats when it started drizzling.
We thought it would be mild drizzle and would stop in few minutes . But to our surprise it went on to be heavy rain. Hari and others went to protect our bags with the sleepingmats.. We tried to hide under the shades bt in vain. We all ended up getting drenched.. everyone jumped into the pool inspite of the rain but to our surprise the pool water was warm.
Myself and balaji took shelter under one sleeping mat.. The wind was blowing hard making our life miserable. Nisha and Naresh went on the rocks to dive during the rain. but they were unable to as the wind and the rain was too much.
All of a sudden something knocked my head. i thought it was mangoes which got dropped from the trees but then Balaji screamed " Angel Ice cubes"....Yea..the rain became "hail Storm"....lotta hails hit us one by one..every one tuk shelter under the rocks in the pool..I took my position near Bala who were under safe place without getting drenched..
After the hails stopped , everyone started to play the throw ball again in the water..Guru n Peter joined us from the other end. I was shivering too much and i didnt wanna get into water again.
Around 4.30 we all planned to get back to the base. When we packed our stuffs to leave the place we realised that the water level in the pool was rising....All of a sudden..in jus a fraction of seconds..there was flash flood....the whole place was filled with water..rushing like anything..roaring and jumping through the rocks...The peaceful place which we sat before was filled with water with powerful current. Naresh and Peter got in to the powerful current to make everyone cross stream safely. The current was pushing everyone. ..The whole trek towards the base ended up with slippery rocks..red ants..powerful currents..The dry land was completely submerged with water..We started feeling thirsty but no water was left with us..and the flash flood had caused all the drinking water in the stream to be dirty..the water looked so black like buckingham canal..:P. We ended up walking without water and finally made to the first pool.
Nisha, Peter , Naresh and Guru went to first pool to take a dip. They all are very much fond of water. Nisha got caught in the whirlpool but managed to get out before guru went to help her out. We savoured the snacks and fruits in the first pool and started our journey towards the dam.
Thank God the dam was not filled with water which made us easily cross and the road was not bad though.. We started our way back to chennai from the Nagala with the memories packed up in our mind.
Everyone felt hungry..we circled Uttukotai 5 times to find a good dhaba..atlast managed to find a veg. restaurant ..had not so yummy meals..
We reached chennai by 11 pm.....
The picnic which started of as a usual picnic one ended with adventures due to hail storm and Flash Flood.
As Naresh wrote in his write up,""Every trek that CTC tags as Picnic, nature introduces a little anarchy and brings in chaos and adds twists to it but eventually we all make it out safe and Picnic just leaves behind a very memorable and pleasant and adventurous experience that would stay with us for a very very long time"""

Saturday, May 16, 2009


This is not mine, first of all...I saw this is in Vidya's notes in Face book..Thanks Vidya for letting me share it in my blog..
it's beautiful..had readlly touched me....i loved it..so thought id share..

Precious Tears

I wish I could do something beautifully and powerful for Him, about Him, and with Him. Am I just the silent one? Will I sit in the corner with my bible and watch other Christians sing out His word? Am I just to live the truth or am I supposed to scream it?

Some people have such powerful words and songs for Him that I feel like I’m left in the dirt.

Yet He sees me. I know He does.

Among the thousands of His children, He suddenly points to me and says, “Come.” He is calling me! What can I say to Him? What could I give Him?

I cry out in horror. I have no words no artwork nothing to show Him how much I love Him!

He is smiling.

I step up to His throne with nothing but myself to give to Him.

He is so beautiful! Yet even the word beautiful is vile in His presence. I must do something! I want to show Him how much I love Him. I could try to sing yet my voice is shameful. I could try to dance yet I am clumsy and likely to fall. I could try to say something powerful and sweet. But where is my voice!?

Music... I hear sweet music. He is laughing!

I hang my head and fall to my knees. I am so shameful!

Suddenly I feel power, love, peace, warmth, all wrapping around me. My breath is taken away, yet I do not need to breathe, for He gives me something else to fill my body. I can’t describe it!

Looking up I see His arms are around me. Tears start to run shamefully down my face. But suddenly I feel water hit my face. Oh! He is crying too!

I am confused.

“I love you.” He says in a gentle whisper; yet it makes my ears ring and my heart thump out of my chest. He loves me! Oh how I love Him too! I wish I had something to show Him just how much I do!

I cry harder and catch my tears in the palms of my hands so I do not stain His glorious robes that flow around Him. His face is so bright when I look up at Him again that I almost can’t look; yet I cannot look away. Tears still fill my palms.


All of the sudden in my hands, instead of the tears I wept, there are jewels; priceless jewels! “Your tears are precious to me, child,” He says sweetly.

I can’t stop crying. That is all I can do as He holds me forever in those loving, strong arms, and tells me how much He loves me.

My tears are precious to Him! The thought is overwhelming.

Some people can sing like angels and lift His name up High. Some people can write powerful words of love to Him. And others can paint, dance, or speak with beauty that worships Him.

But I can’t do any of those things. All I can do is get on my knees before Him and cry, because I know my tears are precious to Him. And each one sings unto Him, “I love you, Father. Thank you for saving and loving me.”


About the Author:
Michelle is 15 years old and has Treacher Collins syndrome.

The Lord gave her this vision after spending some time reading articles on this page. In her own words:

“.....I picked up my pen and paper and started to write. I've never been a very good writer. But the pen seemed to come alive and be writing by itself as this vision kind of played out in my head. I guess you can call it a vision. It was amazing.....My mother read it and kept saying how beautiful it was and asking "Did you really write this?" I could hardly believe I did... but I know I did. Today something wonderful came from God and now I really want to share it.”